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Die Gewalt von damals ist hierzulande beinahe vergessen - vor Ort sorgt der Abzug aber für Sorge. Der Sudan könnte demnächst davon verschwinden. Ihm werden unter anderem Völkermord und Kriegsverbrechen vorgeworfen. Sudan-Ethiopia border tensions mount in conflicted al-Fashqa region Global Voices Sudan has been run by the military council since long-time President Omar al-Bashir was toppled last month, but it has struggled to return the country to normality.
Sudan will Baschir an Strafgerichtshof in ausliefern, Der frühere sudanesische Machthaber Baschir könnte schon bald an den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof ausgeliefert werden. Oil workers at one of petrodar oil fields Display Filter. Published 23 April Ein Mann entdeckte sie und löste mit seinen Fotos weltweites Entsetzen aus. Über Wochen hatten Löwen in einem Zoo im Sudan fast nichts zu essen bekommen. Sudan: Performing arts is not a crime, assaulting women and artists is!
Einen separaten RSS-Feed bieten wir nicht an. Domestic pressures in Sudan and Ethiopia whet appetite for war The National Zunächst muss der afrikanische Staat aber eine Millionenzahlung leisten. Sudan says Ethiopian military plane crossed its border. Sudan has seen a violent crackdown against protesters, which the opposition says killed people. All Sudanese newspapers and diaspora blogs online. Januar , gestern und dieser Woche.
Plan International; Posted 18 Jan Originally published Since Sudan's president of 30 years was toppled in April, the ruling military council that then took power has been in conflict with protesters demanding civilian rule. Support us. South Sudan. The following ads are provided by Google. Published 24 April Die dramatischen Folgen für Millionen Menschen werden weit über die Flutkrise hinausreichen, befürchtet ein Experte von der Deutschen Welthungerhilfe. Clashes left 55 people dead on Monday, just hours after approximately 80 people, including women and children, were killed in a separate round of intercommunal clashes in West Darfur between Saturday and Sunday.
Without the internet, many pro-democracy activists are also cut off from news that they trust. Violent clashes in Sudan over the weekend left at least dead in separate attacks, according to news reports. Mit dem Jahreswechsel endet die Friedensmission in Darfur.